
Wellstreams has a long history of fostering spiritual awakening and training in the art of spiritual direction. This program began in 1996 as a two-phase program.

The first phase providing expanded understanding of spirituality and contemplative living. This portion of the program, called Wellstreams|Awakening is open to anyone seeking spiritual awakening in community.

The second phase, named Wellstreams|Immersion, provides practical experience in preparation for offering spiritual companionship, with continued discernment and learning.


Wellstreams|Awakening is two-semester program of spiritual awakening where you are invited to…

  • Live a more contemplative life

  • Discover greater freedom to bring more compassion to the world

  • Nurture healthier relationships with the divine, others, and the world, based on a holistic view of self

  • Enhance skills for empathetic listening, discernment, and community building

  • Deepen expressions of spirituality

Listen to our Awakening Lives podcast where students talk about their experience.

Pay Wellstreams Awakening 2025 tuition here



Wellstreams|Immersion is a three-semester practicum for those who are considering a call to be spiritual directors/companions. Graduates of our program have used their Wellstreams training to:

  • Provide spiritual direction individually and in groups

  • Offer retreat leadership and small group formation

  • Enhance skills and presence in caring professions

Successful completion of Wellstreams|Awakening is a prerequisite for Wellstreams|Immersion.

Pay Wellstreams Immersion 2026 tuition here