
Grounded in the Source of all creation, The Spirituality Network seeks to cultivate the awakened life through contemplative living and action.


Awakening Lives Transforming the World

Our Values

  • Compassion - we act in love out of a heart-felt concern for others’ experiences

  • Freedom - we invite all to move freely into deeper exploration, relationship and growth

  • Honesty - we seek to approach all conversations and relationships with authenticity and care

  • Inclusion - we welcome everyone - as they are - to sit at the same table

  • Respect - we believe in the sacredness and dignity of the person and honor the presence, ideas, and gifts that each person brings

  • Peacefulness - we believe in nonviolent interactions in word and deed as the means to bring about meaningful change

  • Stewardship - we are accountable to use our resources wisely

  • Transparency - we communicate about our work with openness and clarity

We Serve

Those with and without formal faith affiliations and those with and without the ability to pay.