Our Financial Standing

We have just closed the books for our fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, and have approved our operating budget for our current fiscal year. In the spirit of transparency (one of our Network values), I want to share highlights of where we ended last year and a little about the challenge ahead of us for this year.

We finished last year with revenue of more than $118,000 and expenses of just over $121,900 equaling a deficit of about $3,900. However, we were expecting a shortfall of more than $7,000 so overall, we are pleased. As you may know, having only one Wellstreams cohort typically leads to lower revenue.

The charts show the distribution of our revenue and expenses. Please note that the chart shows unrestricted donations to be about 10% of our total revenue. Thank you for your generosity that ensures that our offerings are available to all who seek them! Having additional workshop income this year helped tremendously!

From an expense perspective most of our expenses go toward the human resources needed to support our programming (39% for staff, 19% for contractors like our supervisors and faculty, 5% for taxes and payroll expenses, and 3% for professional fees, like our bookkeeper). The remaining 34% covers all general administrative expenses (rent, insurance, software licenses, phone and internet, merchant fees, and more). In the future, we’ll also break down these expenses by programming and administrative expenses. This is part of our ongoing maturity as an organization.

Overall, we run a pretty lean operation and are so grateful to all the people who help us live out our mission.

Looking to next year, we anticipate revenue of almost $134,400 and expenses of just over $133,700. We anticipate a small surplus of $700.

If you compare actual to budget, you’ll see that we’re anticipating a smaller percentage from program income this year (24% versus 33%). Even though we’re still planning a significant number of workshops, we’ll have a greater percentage of our revenue coming in from our two Wellstreams cohorts. We hope you appreciate the variety of programming and many things meaningful enough to attend… or even support with sponsorships.

Looking at expenses for this fiscal year, the percentages are generally in line with where we are spending our dollars as they were the last fiscal year, although we anticipate slightly lower general expenses and slightly more staff and tax expenses.

If you wish more detail about any of this information, I am happy to meet with you. Just email me at arodsr1957@gmail.com.

Blessings my friends,
Alejandro Rodriguez