Attend one, two, or all three sessions. Contemplative group spiritual practices provide insight, help uncover inherent wisdom, and foster discernment. Each week we will learn and experience a different group practice. The facilitators will offer follow-up groups for those who wish to continue the practice. How might you engage these prayerful processes in your direction practice and/or faith community?
Part II Facilitator: Allison DeHart, Certified Circles of Trust Facilitator
Author Parker Palmer describes the “shy soul” that requires a safe and trustworthy space to emerge. The circle of trust is designed to foster stillness, deep listening, and reverence for all voices present. It cultivates a unique space to listen more deeply to our own souls as well as each other. This process of “being alone together” elicits more of the richness of who we are of as we “rejoin soul and role.”
$25 Spirituality Network Spiritual Directors Association members; $35 nonmembers