The Spirituality Network continues to live out its vision—Awakened Lives Transforming the World—by offering a variety of opportunities for spiritual seekers to deepen their contemplative practice in the company of openhearted people of conscience
If you feel drawn to develop or deepen a contemplative approach to your life and are interested in exploring a variety of spiritual traditions, this Circle will support your intentions. You will learn a contemplative prayer/meditation process developed by the Charis Foundation for New Monasticism and Interspirituality and be introduced to the Circle of Trust process developed by Quaker author and activist Parker J. Palmer.
We will offer a safe space for you to connect with your soul by exploring readings and poetry from many of the world’s wisdom traditions. People from all faith traditions and people of conscience who profess no faith tradition are invited to share, learn and support one another on the journey.
Our theme for the next gathering is Transitions featuring the work of Brother David Steindl-Rast. As we enter 2022 we will use this reflective time as an opportunity for what Brother David calls "aliveness" - being fully present with mind, body and spirit in order to open to the blessings of living.
If you wish to participate, please register here.