Our Spiritual Directors Association wants to try a new format –a Saturday morning gathering. In 2022 we would like to offer quarterly meetings – two in the evening for “Contemplative Conversations” - virtual, and two longer Saturday morning gatherings for connection, consultation and prayerful support.*
Modeled after the ” Gathering of Spiritual Directors and Friends” in Tampa Bay, Florida, we hope to find a format that will enable us to meet consistently and share leadership.
Refreshments (Margot)
Resource Sharing (we will have a table for you to share resources)
Our Format:
Opening with Introductions
Silence and Prayer Experience
Facilitated Discussion (Led by Saralise and Margot)
Discussion: How to organize future programs
Closing – Confirm date for next meeting. Decide on areas of interest and volunteers to help lead.
These SDA gatherings are offered free of charge every Quarter on the following days:
4th Monday evenings in January and July - from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm on Zoom
4th Saturday mornings in April and October - from 9:30 am - 12:00 pm - central Ohio locations TBD
**Gender Road Christian Church can accommodate safe social distancing, we will keep an eye on COVID levels and adjust to a Zoom meeting if necessary.
There is no cost to register. Please register below: