Discover greater freedom to bring more compassion to the world.
Applications for our next cohort of Wellstreams will be accepted beginning November 1, 2021. Application packets will be available for you to download from the website after November 1.
The Wellstreams Program fosters discernment and provides education for those who feel called to the practice of spiritual direction. This two-phase, 3-year certificate program offers participants a balanced combination of academic, experiential, and practical learning a while finding common ground through deep community.
Some of the many ways our graduates have used their Wellstreams training:
Provide spiritual direction individually and in groups
Offer retreat leadership and small group formation
Deepen expressions of worship and faith
Enhance skills and presence in caring professions
Discover greater health in personal relationships
Discover greater freedom to bring more compassion to the world
If you would like to explore becoming a spiritual director, join us for one of our informational meetings to learn about our Wellstreams Training Program. We will have a panel of graduates and faculty members to discuss their experience and answer your questions.
All Meetings will be held via Zoom. To register email Amanda Stone Cushing.
Applications for our next cohort of Wellstreams will be accepted beginning Nov. 1, 2021. Application packets will be available for you to download from our website after November 1.