Women to Women is continuing on the 3rd and 4th Mondays of every month from 10-11:15 am. We are slowly working our way through Isabel Wilkerson's book Caste: The Origins of our Discontents and I welcome new participants!
I say slowly because this is such a rich book I want to dig into it as much as we can and continue to learn about the systemic nature of racism. The women have been very positive about the book and what we are learning and discussing. Many women share their gratitude for being able to participate in this anti-racism book discussion that gives us all an opportunity to process the difficult subject matter and admit what we do not know or how we have participated in racism without being aware of it.
The third Monday is devoted to assigned chapters, while the 4th Monday is rather a "catch-up" for anyone who has missed the previous week, or desire to speak on a current event related to racism. The dates for our meeting this month are September 20 and 27.
We are a smaller, friendly group of women who want to learn and grow in loving the world and all its members--please join us! Please email me at kathleen.8.7fowler@gmail.com